November 13, 2012 Curve Admin

Mobile Internet Usage to Surpass PC Usage by 2015

application software icons extruding from smartphone, isolated on white

The International Data Corporation has predicted mobile internet usage will surpass that of PCs and other wireline services by 2015. In the UK, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) has stated that 45% of UK internet users are visiting websites via mobile devices (e.g smart phones, tablet devices) with 17 to 24 year olds most likely to use a mobile device. The study found 71% of 17-24 year olds who use the internet use mobile devices to browse the web.

Furthermore, according to the ONS report domestic internet use has also risen, but only by 4%, representing the slowest rate of growth since the survey began. 77% of households in the UK now have an internet connection and with this figure unlikely to rise much more it seems domestic internet usage has reached saturation point in the UK.


With this news businesses up and down the UK are looking to rebuild their websites with the mobile market in mind. Mobile specific websites are popping up everywhere making use of new technology such as HTML5 and CSS3. These technologies allow a websites design to be responsive to the screen it is being shown on, so no matter the screen size ñ the website will look perfect. Without a responsive design most websites give users a poor experience when being viewed on a mobile device, leading to high bounce rates and frustrated customers.

More evidence that every business should have a mobile website came in the form of Techmarkís internet usage study, conducted in August 2011. The study concluded that Mobile now contributes to 13% of all web traffic in the UK. And this figure is predicted to rise to over 23% by 2014.

Ask yourself this question; if 1 in 5 visits to your website are made from a mobile device and your website has not been optimized for a perfect mobile experience how are those visitors going to feel? Do you think they are going to come back? And most importantly what chance do you think they have of converting?

If the answers to those questions were; “frustrated”,, no and none you have realised it is time to sort out your businesses mobile site.

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