April 17, 2013 Curve Admin

Free Marketing Advice Day 9 Update!


Search engine optimisation in Tunbridge Wells

Looking back over the first 8 days of our #30DayChallenge to help every local business in Tunbridge Wells with their digital marketing strategy we have found a great deal about what local firms want. The issue most businesses are facing is the poor performance of their websites in the search engine results pages. The business owners we have been talking with want to be ranking for local keywords e.g. “bar in Tunbridge Wells”.

How does your website fair? Do you rank on the first page?

Luckily we specialise in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)! We have been able to provide detailed SEO reports highlighting areas of improvement that will no doubt increase the performance of their websites, leading to more traffic, more sales and increased brand awareness.

If you are interested at all in us helping improve your business’ digital marketing strategy please contact us today, we are more than willing to help!

Our phone number is 01892 549556, if you’d prefer to email send me a quick message at josh@curve-interactive.com

Have a great day!