August 29, 2013 Curve Admin

Facebook Changes Competition Policy


As of August 27, 2013 Facebook changed their policy on how competitions on their platform can be held. Promotions may be now administered on Page Timelines as well as in apps on Facebook. For example, businesses can now:

  • Collect entries by having users post on the Page or comment/like a Page post
  • Collect entries by having users message the Page
  • Utilise likes as a voting mechanism

As before, however, businesses cannot administer promotions on personal Timelines.

‘Comment and Like to enter’ contests

This means it is now ëlegalí to hold ëComment and Like to enterí contests on Facebook (this was previously against Facebook policy). This type of competition has great advantages in the momentum it can create your page with Facebookís EdgeRank algorithm.

Facebook Competitions will now work on mobile

Moreover, with this news it is now possible to create a Facebook competition that will work on mobile devices. Previously, businesses could only administer a competition through third party applications which are still not supported by Facebookís mobile app.

This is fantastic news to marketers the world over who were previously frustrated by the limitations of mobile Facebook competitions.

What do you think of the change in policy? Let us know in the comments below.